Today’s blog is the first of two about how American School partners (or doesn’t partner) with brick and mortar schools.  American School works with thousands of schools and thousands of students through our independent study program.  In this program, students attend traditional schools but take one or more of our accredited high school courses for credit recovery or enrichment.  This program has been in place for decades, and we are happy to be of service to so many students who are at risk of falling behind or who have scheduling conflicts during the traditional school day.  Students and counselors have access to student records every step of the way through our online student center and online counselor office.  This is the primary way in which we partner with schools, but we are also happy to serve students at schools who are at risk of dropping out.  Full years of our accredited high school program are available to them, and enrolling with us can help these students stay on track to graduate.  Tomorrow we will discuss some ways in which we do not partner with schools, so please come back then for our next blog post.