Today’s blog is the second of two about how American School partners (or doesn’t partner) with brick and mortar schools. Yesterday’s blog spoke of our independent study program in which students take our paper-based high school courses or online high school courses on an individual basis for credit recovery or enrichment while attending a traditional school. It also mentioned how potential dropouts can benefit from taking full years of our accredited high school program which can keep them on track to earn an accredited high school diploma. Today’s blog, however, is going to talk about how American School does not officially partner with other schools. We do not allow other schools (or individuals) to become official agents, agencies, branches or satellites of American School. All students regardless of school affiliation must enroll individually with us, and all students are expected to follow the regulations on enrollment applications and in our student handbook. While we enjoy working with schools however we can, we must adhere to our own by-laws and regulations put forth by accreditation and recognition bodies. Thank you for understanding and for allowing us to serve you as best we can.