It’s January 23, and John Hancock was born on this date in 1737. His signature is the most prominent on the Declaration of Independence and so today’s blog is going to talk about handwriting. We know that many students take our online middle school courses or online high school courses, but many others take our middle school correspondence courses or high school correspondence courses. For those students who take our paper-based middle school courses or paper-based high school courses, it is important to have good penmanship when submitting your exams. Our instructors need to read your work clearly so that they can determine how much you have learned and where they need to give you feedback so that you may do even better on future exams. In turn, our instructors will write clearly when they give feedback so that you may benefit as you continue your studies with us. We look forward to the day where we can sign your accredited high school diploma after you graduate from American School and are happy to support you on that path however we can.