Updated enrollment applications for American School’s accredited middle school program, accredited high school program and independent study program will soon be available on the School’s enrollment page. Tuition for one year of middle school or high school will increase from $1000 to $1050. The standard agreement will call for a down payment of $250 and five monthly payments of $160 each. Tuition for individual paper-based middle school courses and paper-based high school courses will increase by $50 per course. Tuition for individual online middle school courses and online high school courses will remain the same. The reason for the increase in price may be attributed to rising costs associated with printed course materials. Although costs associated with correspondence courses continue to rise, American School has no plans to discontinue offering paper-based courses which have been a cornerstone of our school since our founding in 1897. As we have done in the past, American School will continue to accept applications dated 2023 as long as they are postmarked by August 31. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding and for making us your distance education middle school or distance education high school.