It’s March 8, and today is International Women’s Day.  It’s the perfect time to recognize all the women who have made American School a leader in homeschool courses for more than 125 years.  They include Valerie J. Riley, who became American School’s first female president in 2017; Mary McKeown, who was affiliated with American School for more than 75 years and wrote study guides for many of our paper-based high school courses in mathematics; and Roberta Allen, who wrote the Planning Your Career course that has educated thousands of students in our accredited high school diploma program in addition to her contributions to many other study guides for high school correspondence courses.  We are thankful that so many women over the years have made it their vocation to help students earn a high school diploma at home, and we are proud to be the school of choice for many young ladies who will go on to do great things after they complete their American School courses.